2024 has been a year of unexpected challenges and setbacks, impacting us more than we could have anticipated. But through it all, the creative grind never truly stopped. While the output wasn’t as frequent, the passion and drive remained. Now, with some of those life hurdles behind us, we’re starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
2025 is shaping up to be a big year — expect new content, tell-alls and explanations behind the scenes, fresh music, exclusive merch, and much more.
An exclusive interview with Promisques, one of the biggest names in the One Outs battle rap scene. Hear firsthand from the artist himself as he dives into his journey, the current state of the scene, and his thoughts on the latest trends. Don‘t miss out on this rare opportunity to get an inside look at the world of battle rap!
P rides the tempo well seeing as it’s a swung drum style which is rare in today’s rap climate. Topics like rappers doing favor’s for shows just to stay broke and rappers asking for handouts from more established artists are brought up through snappy lines like: You ain’t set it off, you ain’t no Queen Latifah.
Shortly after, on the next verse, Merkules comes in…merking as usual, I’ve heard his name over the years and the story’s always been consistent: Merkules is nasty! Feeding off of Promisques’ energy Merk strips the fat back and provides lean bars. No punch lines or metaphors just straight facts, without spoiling the verse too much I’ll say these guys ripped the track and bounced in true Hip-Hop fashion.
– DameSmiff
WHO ARE WE HURTING? 200 William St, Kings Cross, Sydney, Australia Hydroponic grow room in the heart of the Australian city killed by alcohol fueled violence to demonstrate the new wave of stoners are successful members of society and spark debate about the inadequate laws turning them into criminals. An activist art installation crops up in a shop front facing one of Sydney’s busiest streets, drawing all kinds of attention.